Wednesday, November 2, 2011


After a reading of a book by hooks i think i can get across what essentalism means. In the dictionary it states  esseentialism is a doctrine that certain traditional concepts, ideals, and skills are essential to society and should be taught methodically to all students, regardless of individual ability, need, etc. i think that essentaislm is basically when you group someone then associate that person with everyone. For example, you can say all drug dealers are killers. This might be true but most of the time it isn't. So when a person on the street sees a drug dealer they right away think he is a killer because hes a drug dealer. Another example of this is they see a person who kills another person. Right away that person will be associated with a drug dealer because they killed someone. Also another way to explain this is personal beliefs. A person can say not all drug dealers are killers, and another can say yes they are i saw a drug dealer kill someone so therefore they are killers and drug dealers. Most people start to group people when they see something happen themselves. Then right away they always think what they saw is true for all people. This is a bad thing to do because you can really offend people by grouping them for example: all cheerleaders are gay. This is not true because alot of the guy cheerleaders that i know are straight. But right away many people group male cheerleaders as gay because they saw one guys kiss another.


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